Yuan Sun (孙元) is a Ph.D. candidate at the College of Computer Science, Sichuan University, advised by Prof. Dezhong Peng (彭德中). His current interests mainly focus on:

  • Image Set Classification: it constructs an image set consisting of multiple images, and then measures the distance between two sets.
  • Cross-modal Retrieval: it uses the information of one modal to retrieve the relevant content of another modal (such as text, image, audio, video, etc.).
  • Multi-view Learning: it integrates the supplementary and consistent information of multiple feature extractors for clustering or classification tasks.
  • AI4Science: it utilizes Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) for solving forward and inverse PDE problems as well as their applications (such as nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics).

🔥 News

  • [Publications]: Aug. 18, 2024, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)! Congrats to Xingfeng! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jul. 16, 2024, three papers were accepted by ACM Multimedia (ACM MM 2024)! Congrats to Honglin (Master), Longan (Undergrad), and coauthors! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jun. 26, 2024, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)! Congrats to Yongxiang! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jun. 23, 2024, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Apr. 20, 2024, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Apr. 17, 2024, one paper was accepted by IJCAI 2024. Congrats to Kaiming (Master) and coauthors! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jan. 3, 2024, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS). 🎉
  • [Publications]: Sep. 22, 2023, one paper was accepted by AAAI 2024. 🎉
  • [Publications]: Sep. 22, 2023, one paper was accepted by NeurIPS 2023. Congrats to Yang! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Sep. 12, 2023, one paper was accepted by Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA)! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jul. 26, 2023, one paper was accepted by ACM Multimedia (ACM MM 2023)! 🎉
  • [Services]: Jul. 28, 2023, I have been invited to be a PC member for AAAI 2024. 🎉
  • [Publications]: Jul. 19, 2023, one paper was accepted by Information Fusion! Congrats to Xingfeng! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Apr. 26, 2023, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Feb. 14, 2023, one paper was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)! 🎉
  • [Publications]: Dec. 24, 2022, two papers were accepted by ACM Multimedia (ACM MM 2022)! Congrats to Jiali and coauthors! 🎉

📝 Publications

(# denotes the corresponding author)


  • [21] Xingfeng Li, Yuangang Pan, Yuan Sun, Quansen Sun, Yinghui Sun, Ivor W. Tsang, Zhenwen Ren, Incomplete Multi-view Clustering with Paired and Balanced Dynamic Anchor Learning, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (中科院一区).
  • [20] Longan Wang, Yang Qin, Yuan Sun, Dezhong Peng, Xi Peng, Peng Hu, Robust Contrastive Cross-modal Hashing with Noisy Labels, ACM MM 2024 (CCF-A类). Code
  • [19] Honglin Yuan, Shiyun Lai, Xingfeng Li, Jian Dai, Yuan Sun#, Zhenwen Ren#, Robust Prototype Completion for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering, ACM MM 2024 (CCF-A类). Code
  • [18] Yuan Sun, Kaiming Liu, Yongxiang Li, Zhenwen Ren, Jian Dai, Dezhong Peng, Distribution Consistency Guided Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval, ACM MM 2024 (CCF-A类).
  • [17] Yongxiang Li, Yang Qin, Yuan Sun, Dezhong Peng, Xi Peng, Peng Hu, RoMo: Robust Unsupervised Multimodal Learning with Noisy Pseudo Labels, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP) (CCF-A类).
  • [16] Yuan Sun, Yang Qin, Yongxiang Li, Dezhong Peng, Xi Peng, Peng Hu, Robust Multi-View Clustering with Noisy Correspondence, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) (CCF-A类). Code
  • [15] Yuan Sun, Yang Qin, Dezhong Peng, Zhenwen Ren, Chao Yang, Peng Hu, Dual Self-Paced Hashing for Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM) (中科院一区). Code
  • [14] Kaiming Liu, Yunhong Gong, Yu Cao, Zhenwen Ren, Dezhong Peng, Yuan Sun#, Dual Semantic Fusion Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Modal Retrieval, IJCAI 2024 (CCF-A类).
  • [13] Yuan Sun, Jian Dai, Zhenwen Ren, Qilin Li, Dezhong Peng, Relaxed Energy Preserving Hashing for Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS) (中科院一区). Code
  • [12] Yuan Sun, Jian Dai, Zhenwen Ren, Yingke Chen, Dezhong Peng, Peng Hu, Dual Self-Paced Cross-Modal Hashing, AAAI 2024 (CCF-A类).



Before 2021

🙋 Services

  • Program Committee Member:
    • AAAI 2025, ICLR 2025.
    • AAAI 2024, CVPR 2024, IJCAI 2024, ACM MM 2024, ICML 2024, ECCV 2024, PRCV 2024, NeurIPS 2024.
    • ACM MM 2023, PRCV 2023.
  • Journal Reviewer:
    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
    • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
    • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
    • IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
    • IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
    • ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (TOMM).
    • IEEE Signal Processing Letters.
    • Neural Networks.
    • Information Fusion.
    • Expert Systems With Applications.
    • Neurocomputing.
    • Neural Computing and Applications.
    • CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology.
    • Data Science and Management.
    • The Visual Computer.
  • Associate Editor:
    • ICARM 2024
  • Workshop Chair:
    • CVDL 2024.